Advance Fondant Deco
Kelas Deko Advance Fondant
Kak Jun
Kak Jun

yeay! i've been given another chance to join kak jun's deco class. in this class, kak jun's more focused on 3D deco fondant. a lot of tips and techniques have been given while she conducts her class. you know, most of the things that kak jun uses to deco her fondant didnt even cross my mind that it'll create such nice deco as above pictures. like what kak jun said, '10% arts and the balance is all creativity, so if you have the interest in this, we surely can' right kak jun? ;) now i am pretty sure that i have the confidence to do fondant deco.
lastly,Thank you very much I must say to both my teachers, Daalia and Kak Jun, that has given me support and guidance to me. Both of you have boost up my confidence level in decorating cupcakes. Everything that both of you have taught me will be used up in making more cupcakes in future. Thanks once again.
Oh yea! about the girl i mentioned earlier, that girl belongs to Kak Jun, and she has given me the permission to use it. thanks :)
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